Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The industrial pollution

Clean air is very important and without it we can’t live for more than a few minutes! Since the industrial revolution 700 years ago, the air quality has gotten worse and worse. It led to extreme pollution to a point that the skies were barely blue and the trees, houses and cars were covered in dirt. After reading this essay, you will understand the causes, effects and possible solution for the industrial pollution.

Releasing carbon dioxide is considered the major cause of the pollution. It is true that factories do not only emit CO2.However, “carbon dioxide remains to be at least 40% of the emission” (Lad, “causes of Air pollution”) this pollutant is also responsible for many worldwide problems such as global warming and climate changes. Another cause of the “factorial pollution” is the disposal of factories’ wastes(http://www.niehs.nih.gov/). When a factory throws unwanted products, whether in landfills or in water, it releases large quantities of methane in the atmosphere. Methane is not dangerous by itself, but it tends to combine with other gases in the air to create a harmful gas. In addition, this gas can generate dangerous explosions like what happened in LA. “Methane gas venting in the, Fairfax District of Los Angeles resulted in the explosion of a Ross Dress for Less department store in 1985, and the evacuation of several buildings in 1989” . A further point is the pollutants that are known to be the main sources of the industrial and air pollution. The pollutants are nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide. These gases come from burning fossil fuels in factories such as oil and natural gas.

The industrial pollution has several direct impacts on the environment, buildings, animals and humans especially the ones living in big cities. One noticeable effect is the chronic diseases like lung cancer, asthma and heart diseases. Older people and children are mostly to be influenced by pollution. According to Niehs.nih.gov: “children who live in highly polluted communities are five times more likely to have clinically low lung function—less than 80% of the lung function normal for their age” A second effect is the ozone depletion (http://www.standford.edu)/ .The industrial pollution makes “holes” in the ozone layer in the atmosphere. This can increase the amount of harmful rays reaching the earth. Finally, the pollutants we mentioned before are damaging the living and non-living things. Chronic exposure to pollution breaks down the leaves’ cover which lets the plants lose water and then die. Moreover, the combination of the pollutants sometimes forms “the acid rain”. According to Epa.gov: “acid rain accelerates the decay of building materials and paints, including irreplaceable buildings, statues, and sculptures that are part of our nation's cultural heritage.”

In conclusion, talking about this problem seems hopeless, but there is a chance to change and make a difference. Stopping producing the manufactured materials and human activities is not exactly practical so we should think of other solutions. I think looking for natural alternative resources in yours own country is the best solution for pollution. These resources must not be toxic or harmful to the environment and would be better if they are renewable ones so we won’t be afraid of losing them. MASDAR in Abu Dhabi as an example is trying to use the solar energy as an alternative to oil. The wind energy and the water energy are also possible solutions; however the practical application is somehow difficult. It is true that these alternatives are well known but are not widely available and the finance is involved. Many industrial businesses depend on the current resources and if they change that, they will pay more money. I hope that governments can settle these arguments and make it easier for companies to accept this solution. It may take years to do so, but at least we decided to change and save ourselves and our environments from this disaster.

"Air Pollution & Respiratory Disease." National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS). 22 Dec. 2009 ..
"(Lad causes of Air pollution)

(Hamilton, “Explosion and other gas ventings at the Fairfax District, Los Angeles”)

: Intelligent Life on the Web. 22 Dec. 2009 .
"Press." Stanford University. 22 Dec. 2009 .
"Press." Stanford University. 22 Dec. 2009 .

Monday, December 21, 2009


1. Section: noun, “area, part, group, And division, (ends in-ion)” We are studying in section CDG.
2. Role : noun, “task, position, character, function ,job” In the cinema every actor has a special role to do.
3. Export : verb, “send to another country or area” The UAE exports oil all over the world.
4. Formula : noun, “a mathematical or scientific expression, a recipe..” In the maths subject we have a lot of formula.
5. Research : verb, “investigate , find out information.” We have in our studies a subject called in research and summarise.
6. Legislate: verb “to make laws”. In our country the government had approval to legislate new laws.
7. Establish: “start,decide,build,open”. My father has establish a new company.
8. Individual: “one person or thing”. Each individual is different.
9. Labour: “work,workers,employment” The UAE has so much labour in it .
10. Identify: “to name , categorize” The police officer stopped me and asked me for identify.
11. Major: noun, “ big, large, serious, the biggest part” Adnoc is a major company for oil in Abu Dhabi.
12. Method: “Way of dealing with something” There is some method in college we should follow.
13. Issue: “topic, workers, employment “When you try to solve problems you will face some issues.
14. Interpret: “explain something, put into other words, translate from a foreign language “Every president has a man who interprets other languages for them.
15. Data: “facts, information, records” In our class we have a lot of data to memorize.
16. Environment: “the atmosphere or surrounding” We need to protect our environment.
17. Define: “give the meaning or something” Our teachers define anything we did not understand for us.
18. Source: “origin, place where something comes from” Some source said that there was an accident in AlAin.
19. Theory: “idea, plan, not practical”My father has some great theories about how to improve myself.
20. Vary: “differ, be different, not the same” My brother wants to vary his life.
21. Available: “can be found” Toyota parts are available in Al Futtaim showroom.
22. Concept: “idea, theory” My friend has a lot of ideas.
23. Assess: “measure,test,check” Every year I take my car to get it assessed.
24. Process: “a step-by-step plan” There are several steps to applying for a telephone.
25. Derive: “to come from something else” Diamonds derive from carbon.
26. Similar: verb, “almost the same, bearing a resemblance to something” That mobile is similar to my phone.
27. Income: noun, “money coming in, earning” I have extra income beside my main one.
28. Estimate: verb, “guess an amount or value “I would like to estimate how much you have every month.
29. Area: noun, “zone, region” What’s the area of the class room?
30. Require: noun, “need, want “ Our company requires pilots.
31. Occur: verb, “happen, take a place “Accidents occur in the city a lot.
32. Percent: noun, “one part out of hundred “ I have got 95 percent in my subject.
33. Period: noun, “time, era, age length of class time” Every Sunday we have 7 periods.
34. Benefit: noun, “advantage, use "What is the benefit of drugs.
35. Evident: noun, “clear obvious” It is evident that we must learn to live.
36. Policy: noun, “ Standerd or official way of doing things” You agreed this policy when you applied for work.
37. Proceed: verb, “go forward” I will do the IELTS to proceed to my nexet level.
38. Consist: noun, “ to be made of” The English subject consists of writing, reading and listening.
39. Contact: noun, “agreement, treaty” We have an agreement with Etihad.
40. Constitute: “make up, represent, from a part of something” This building is constituted like an egg.
41. Context: “setting, location, surrounding” The UAE is in the context of the Arabian Gulf.
42. Create: “start, build, design and implement, form from the start” The company created a new position.
43. Distribute: “to send to different places or people, to give out” Al Futtaim is the distributor of Toyota and Lexus in the UAE.
44. Economy: “financial budget, financial situation or management” Our economy is the oil.
45. Analyze: “examine closely, look at, find patterns in data or problem” My brother likes to analyze any problem we had in our home.
46. Approach: “to become near something” I like to approach my father.
47. Assess: “measure, test, check” Every day I assess my car.
48. Authority: “control, in charge, responsible, expert” Every country has an authority.
49. Function: There are many functions in my car.
50. Theory: “ idea, plan not practical” Our country had a theory to improve our society.