Monday, December 21, 2009


1. Section: noun, “area, part, group, And division, (ends in-ion)” We are studying in section CDG.
2. Role : noun, “task, position, character, function ,job” In the cinema every actor has a special role to do.
3. Export : verb, “send to another country or area” The UAE exports oil all over the world.
4. Formula : noun, “a mathematical or scientific expression, a recipe..” In the maths subject we have a lot of formula.
5. Research : verb, “investigate , find out information.” We have in our studies a subject called in research and summarise.
6. Legislate: verb “to make laws”. In our country the government had approval to legislate new laws.
7. Establish: “start,decide,build,open”. My father has establish a new company.
8. Individual: “one person or thing”. Each individual is different.
9. Labour: “work,workers,employment” The UAE has so much labour in it .
10. Identify: “to name , categorize” The police officer stopped me and asked me for identify.
11. Major: noun, “ big, large, serious, the biggest part” Adnoc is a major company for oil in Abu Dhabi.
12. Method: “Way of dealing with something” There is some method in college we should follow.
13. Issue: “topic, workers, employment “When you try to solve problems you will face some issues.
14. Interpret: “explain something, put into other words, translate from a foreign language “Every president has a man who interprets other languages for them.
15. Data: “facts, information, records” In our class we have a lot of data to memorize.
16. Environment: “the atmosphere or surrounding” We need to protect our environment.
17. Define: “give the meaning or something” Our teachers define anything we did not understand for us.
18. Source: “origin, place where something comes from” Some source said that there was an accident in AlAin.
19. Theory: “idea, plan, not practical”My father has some great theories about how to improve myself.
20. Vary: “differ, be different, not the same” My brother wants to vary his life.
21. Available: “can be found” Toyota parts are available in Al Futtaim showroom.
22. Concept: “idea, theory” My friend has a lot of ideas.
23. Assess: “measure,test,check” Every year I take my car to get it assessed.
24. Process: “a step-by-step plan” There are several steps to applying for a telephone.
25. Derive: “to come from something else” Diamonds derive from carbon.
26. Similar: verb, “almost the same, bearing a resemblance to something” That mobile is similar to my phone.
27. Income: noun, “money coming in, earning” I have extra income beside my main one.
28. Estimate: verb, “guess an amount or value “I would like to estimate how much you have every month.
29. Area: noun, “zone, region” What’s the area of the class room?
30. Require: noun, “need, want “ Our company requires pilots.
31. Occur: verb, “happen, take a place “Accidents occur in the city a lot.
32. Percent: noun, “one part out of hundred “ I have got 95 percent in my subject.
33. Period: noun, “time, era, age length of class time” Every Sunday we have 7 periods.
34. Benefit: noun, “advantage, use "What is the benefit of drugs.
35. Evident: noun, “clear obvious” It is evident that we must learn to live.
36. Policy: noun, “ Standerd or official way of doing things” You agreed this policy when you applied for work.
37. Proceed: verb, “go forward” I will do the IELTS to proceed to my nexet level.
38. Consist: noun, “ to be made of” The English subject consists of writing, reading and listening.
39. Contact: noun, “agreement, treaty” We have an agreement with Etihad.
40. Constitute: “make up, represent, from a part of something” This building is constituted like an egg.
41. Context: “setting, location, surrounding” The UAE is in the context of the Arabian Gulf.
42. Create: “start, build, design and implement, form from the start” The company created a new position.
43. Distribute: “to send to different places or people, to give out” Al Futtaim is the distributor of Toyota and Lexus in the UAE.
44. Economy: “financial budget, financial situation or management” Our economy is the oil.
45. Analyze: “examine closely, look at, find patterns in data or problem” My brother likes to analyze any problem we had in our home.
46. Approach: “to become near something” I like to approach my father.
47. Assess: “measure, test, check” Every day I assess my car.
48. Authority: “control, in charge, responsible, expert” Every country has an authority.
49. Function: There are many functions in my car.
50. Theory: “ idea, plan not practical” Our country had a theory to improve our society.

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