Saturday, May 22, 2010

Vocabulary word

1-Deduce Verb guess, decide. From the evidence the detective deduced that the gardener had done it.

2-Circumstance Noun situation. Do not judge his behavior without considering every circumstance.

3-Comment Noun say, talk. His frequent absences gave rise to comment.

4-Compensate Verb make up for. They gave him ten dollars to compensate him for his trouble.

5-Component Noun part. There is a component of the car which is damaged.

6-Considerable Adj large, big, and significant. It cost a considerable amount.

7-Constrain Verb limit, restrict. He was constrained to admit the offence.

8-Contribute Verb add to, give towards. I'd like to contribute stories to a magazine.

9-Consent Noun agree to. He gave his consent to the marriage.

10-Constant Adj unchanging, the same. All conditions during the three experiments were constant.

11-Convene Verb meet, come together. The students were convened in the auditorium.

12-Coordinate Verb Plan, agree, and manage. He sould coordinate his actions with those of his colleagues.

13-Core Noun central, most important. He has the ability to get straight to the core of a problem.

14-Corporate Adj related to a large company. Most boards wish to have an effective system of corporate governance.

15-Criteria Noun measurements, benchmarks, standards. These criteria are not valid.

16-Alternative Noun. You have the alternative of riding or walking.

17-Demonstrate Verb show, tell, and prove. I want to demonstrate the force of gravity by dropping an object.

18-Document Noun written information. The foreign minister signed the document today.

19-Dominate Verb lead, excel, be master of. Successful leaders dominate events rather than react to them.

20-Interact Verb to act on each other. He should interact more with his colleagues.

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